Lontra Foundation


Lontra Foundation

This organization was born with the mission of reducing the deterioration of the chungungos’ (Lontra felina) habitat in the coastal areas of Chile and at the same time restore the degraded ecosystems where it dwells in order to reconnect the genetic flow of the national population of this species of sea otter.

Lontra Foundation has implemented three programs: a chungungo rehabilitation and reinsertion center; monitoring and managing the conservation of their populations; and restoration of their coastal habitat to plan the re-introduction of chungungos in areas where the species is no longer present, while at the same time mitigating threats to it.

This organization has been connected to the TURF-Reserve program through different environmental education activities related to the Zapallar and Cachagua TURF-Reserve, seeking to raise awareness about the importance of knowing and caring for the marine-coastal ecosystems and the species that inhabit there.

In the future, it is expected that Capital Azul Foundation and Lontra Foundation can also team up to carry out monitoring of chungungos in the TURF-Reserves.