In March 2020, the Zapallar Artisanal Fishers Union signed the Collaboration Agreement with Capital Azul Foundation for the establishment of the Zapallar TURF-Reserve. This voluntary protection zone covers 12.4 hectares of surface and is located in the Territorial User Rights for Fisheries (TURF or AMERB, as abbreviated in Spanish) called Zapallar Sector A, which is managed by this artisanal fishers union. The Zapallar TURF-Reserve borders an entire area traditionally known as Isla Seca, which can be accessed by walking from the main beach in a north direction (as if heading towards Papudo) along the iconic Zapallar coastwalk.
In March 2020, the Zapallar Artisanal Fishers Union signed the Collaboration Agreement with Capital Azul Foundation for the establishment of the Zapallar TURF-Reserve
On December 4 of that year, the Zapallar Artisanal Fishers Union officialy inaugurated this marine conservation area.
On December 17, 2022, a party for marine conservation was held looking forward to link people around the TURF-Reserve to continue raising awareness about the importance of conserving this refuge area and its biodiversity.
At the beginning of July, various female open water swimming groups of the Valparaíso region came together to organize an activity around the Zapallar TURF-Reserve: almost 130 women gathered in the water to celebrate this area dedicated to conservation.
Kayaking, swimming, environmental education stands, projection of audiovisual pieces about the TURF-Reserves and a limpet carbonada were part of the ingredients of this party for marine conservation led by the local community.
It was difficult at first. It is difficult to establish a place for conservation, a place that historically has been exploited. We are a cove of underwater Shellfish gatherers, and in that place (where the Zapallar TURF-Reserve is) we used to collect 10,000 Chilean abalones and 5,000 sea urchins. It is a good place that we left for conservation. The artisanal fishers understood: for a long time, we were the predators, and today we are taking care of it.
Sergio VeasPresident of the Zapallar Artisanal Fishers Union